Melusi Bible Training

"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others."

[2 Timothy 2:2] 


Our mission is to train young leaders and believers who will be able to train others. New leadership and discipleship through the Word of God is of essential value. Melusi Bible Training (MBT) uses a pragmatic and self-theologising (theology in context) approach based on the four foundation modules of Veritas College International. The approach and methodologies facilitate interpreting the Bible in a practical and responsible way; apply the obtained Biblical truth in their context; and communicate this truth in their specific context.

The end goal is to lead believers and churches to maturity, which will be reflected in their lives, and in their transforming influence on families and individuals in the church and in their communities, according to Biblical truth.

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."

[Psalm 119:105]


Our Melusi Bible Training uses materials and programs of Veritas College International added with bible studies regarding the identity and core values of Melusi Christian Community. Students are also required to read some essential literature. The training is a four months in-house training, with bible studies in the morning and practical service, church ministry and outreaches in the afternoons. Full board accommodation is provided, and training courses are held twice a year: from February to June and from July to November.


Melusi Christian Community uses a few criteria to be able to participate in the Melusi Bible Training.

Applicants should be South African, between 18 and 40 years, be able to speak and understand English, be born-again believers and be able to provide a church reference.

Applications forms can be requested via or using our contact form